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Shalom Sing Along with Tkiya

Join us at Or Zarua! 

Contact Sigal Hirsch, shirsch@orzarua.org, with any questions or issues with registration.

Please note, the form will not save if you do not complete it, so be sure to submit the form and subsequent payment information before closing the window.

If you need technical support with registration, please contact Helene Santo, hsanto@orzarua.org.

For more information about the program, click HERE.

127 E. 82nd Street

Monday Mornings: 
Dates: January 9 through June 19
Time: 10:00 - 10:45 PM 

6 mo - 4 yrs
Adult participation required

Class Experience:
Start your little one’s day the happy & healthy way with song, dance, stories, bubbles, puppets, instruments, & more! Parents, grandparents and caregivers join us as we learn simple Hebrew, Jewish values, and favorite tunes!
Shalom Sing Along is in partnership with Tkiya and PJ Library.

Child 1 Enrollment

January 9 - June 19

Child 2 Enrollment

Sibling Discount - 10%

January 9 - June 19

Please click submit to go to the payment screen. 

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785