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High Holy Day Tickets

Please use this form to let us know your plansĀ for the High Holy Days. There is no charge for tickets for members and their children ages 5-22. Children age 0-4 do not need tickets.

All tickets will be mailed unless other other arrangements have been made with the Executive Director. Please be sure to complete the address information at the bottom of the form.
Guest tickets are available for guests of Or Zarua members and those wishing to join Or Zarua for the fist time over the High Holy Days. If you would like to purchase tickets for guests, please click HERE.

Every guest age 5 and above must have a ticket to attend services at Wallace Hall.

Guest tickets for the Family Learning Experience at Or Zarua are $180 per family. If you know a family that would enjoy the program, please invite them!

Please use the space below to list the names for the ticket(s).
Please use the space below to list the names for the ticket(s).
Children 0-4 do not need a ticket.
Please list the family name in Line 1 below.

If you need to submit more names for tickets, please email them to Deborah Wenger.

Please let us know where to mail the tickets.
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785